Hypertext Application Language for Laravel ========================================== This library is modeled off of HAL in Apigility written by Zend and myself. Apigility in turn implements HAL according to the `specification `_. This library is written exclusively for Laravel. It implements the expected ``_links`` and ``_embedded`` sections as well as pagination links for supported collections. HAL provides HATEOAS (Hypertext As The Engine of Application State). Installation ------------ Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to `getcomposer.org `_. ``composer require api-skeletons/laravel-hal`` This library is a collection of classes and does not require a ServiceProvider to be configured. Versions -------- For PHP 7.0 - 7.3 use version 1.0. For PHP 7.4+ and Laravel 8.0 use up to 3.0.4. For PHP 8.0+ and Laravel 8.0+, use the latest version. With Thanks ----------- This work was inspired by an article written by Giulio Troccoli-Allard: `Using HAL in content APIs `_ .. toctree:: overview configuration links embedded collections custom-hydrator manual-resource .. include:: footer.rst