Collecitons and Paginated HAL

Collecitons and Paginated HAL

Collecitons and Paginated HAL


You may assign a collection of resources to the _embedded section of any resource. And you can directly assign a collection of mapped (or unmapped!) models to a resource as a collection

Assign an array of objects to a resource .. code:: php


->addEmbeddedResources(‘users’, $model->users)

Assign an array of objects to a resource using a custom hydrator .. code:: php


->addEmbeddedResources(‘users’, $model->users, CustomHydrator::class)

Create a collection, push objects into it, and assign as embedded resources .. code:: php

$userCollection = collect();

foreach ($model->users as $user) {




return HALHydratorManager::resource()

->addEmbeddedResources(‘users’, $userCollection);

Extract resources into an arry using a custom hydrator and assign as embedded resources .. code:: php

$userCollection = collect();

foreach ($model->users as $user) {

HALHydratorManager::extract($user, CustomHydrator::class)->toArray()



return HALHydratorManager::resource()

->addEmbeddedResources(‘users’, $userCollection);


HAL supports pagination using the _links section, _embedded section, and includes pagination info in the state. Automatic HAL pagination is supported for the Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator class. This paginator is created from a controller

public function fetchAll(Request $request)
    $data = Model::filtered()->sorted()->paginate(50);

    return HALHydratorManager::paginate('data', $data)->toArray();

The above example uses the searchable and sortable libraries to turn an api endpoint into a rich database queryable and sortable resources. This technique is strongly encouraged.